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Busting Terrapin Myths

Separating Fact from Fiction


Terrapins are fascinating creatures, but with so much misinformation out there, it's easy to get caught up in myths and misconceptions about their care. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at some common myths about terrapin care and the truth behind them.

Myth 1: Terrapins are low maintenance pets

The truth: Terrapins are not low maintenance pets. They require a lot of care, including regular water changes, a balanced diet, and a clean and safe habitat.

Myth 2: Terrapins can live in small tanks

The truth: Terrapins need a lot of space to swim, bask, and explore. A small tank will not provide enough space for them to live comfortably, and can lead to health problems. Make sure you have a tank that is large enough for your terrapin.

Myth 3: Terrapins only eat vegetables

The truth: Terrapins are omnivores and need a balanced diet that includes both plants and animals. Offer them a variety of foods, including leafy greens, pellets, insects, and occasional treats.

Myth 4: Terrapins don't need UVB lighting

The truth: Terrapins need UVB lighting to process calcium and maintain their shell health. Without proper UVB lighting, they can develop health problems, so make sure you provide a UVB bulb in their tank.

Myth 5: Terrapins don't need to be handled

The truth: Terrapins do need to be handled, but only for short periods of time and with proper care. Regular handling can help you bond with your terrapin and keep them used to human interaction.

By understanding the truth behind these common myths, you can provide the best possible care for your terrapin. So, let's bust some myths and get the facts straight!

Remember, a well-informed terrapin owner is a happy terrapin owner, and by separating fact from fiction, you can ensure that your pet is well taken care of.

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